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Flexible Simple Powerful Cloud-Based Subscription Software
with Integrated WebShop

Oak Subscribe Oak WebShop


Integrated WebShop

Make changes to your WebShop in realtime

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Welcome to Oak Software

Oak Software’s powerful web-based subscription management solution Oak Subscribe is used by a range of publishers and currently manages subscriptions for over 1,000 titles with around 7 million issues mailed each year. Oak’s fully integrated webshop provides online subscription management and a host of features to help maximise the e-commerce opportunities for our clients. Our webshops receive over 200,000 customer orders a year comprising a mixture of subscriptions, mail order product sales and event ticket sales.

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Subscription Management

Intuitively designed for both rapid entry and retrieval of data Oak Subscribe provides complete control of your subscription fulfilment and circulation functions. A full range of subscription types are available to manage subscriptions for print, digital, print & digital and premium web content or archive products.

Our dedicated Support Team is on-hand via phone or email to provide friendly help and assistance whenever you need it.

Oak WebShop

Our multi-featured, ecommerce solution, which seamlessly integrates with Oak Subscribe in real-time. Each Oak WebShop is designed to your specification and will include all the features expected.

Our templated Oak WebShop puts you in control, enabling management of subscriptions, products, and customer data.

Virtual Subscription Manager

Our Virtual Subscription Manager (VSM) service is an enhanced Oak Subscribe tailored service where we can manage many of your back office subscription management functions, such as direct debit processing and web import management, leaving you free to concentrate on providing great customer service.

Do you want to know more?

Please get in touch