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PCISubscribe Info

PCISubscribe Info

Manage Subscriptions

Efficient and powerful subscription management is at the heart of Oak.SUBSCRIBE

Single Customer View

With our single customer view, everything you need to find about your customers is at your fingertips so you can provide great Customer Service.

Integrated Web Shop

Fully integrated eCommerce web shop that lets your customers buy credit card & direct debit subscriptions and mail order items all within the same basket.

Online Subscriber Management

Provide your subscribers with online access to their subscription details so they can quickly renew subscriptions.

Web Integration

A single fully integrated package comprising online shop, online subscription management and secure payment handling.

Virtual Subscription Manager

The perfect halfway IN-HOUSE solution for the management of subscriptions. We provide services to help you manage your subscriptions whilst still giving you direct access to your data.

Mail Order

Product database for mail order sales and non-subscription products with dispatch documentation & optional stock control.

Subscription Renewals

Powerful & flexible subscription renewals process that can drive up your renewal retention rate.


Easily analyse your database to automatically create lists, reports, mailing letters and emails.

Direct Debit

Control both simple and complex multi-payment Direct Debit schedules.


Full GDPR consent management with audit logs and customisable purpose options.

Credit/Debit Card Processing

In partnership with a global payment service provider to directly supply secure credit/debit card transaction services.

Comprehensive Reporting

Financial and analytical reporting tools provide the required information at your fingertips.

Hosted Service

We host your database and look after daily backups, data integrity and server updates. You can access it from anywhere with an internet connection.

Competition Management

Manage competitions and entries.